

Reminder - Centre for Music Studies, City University London

Wednesday May 22nd 2013 (5.30pm-7.30pm)

Visiting Lecture by Dr Mark Doffman (Faculty of Music, University of Oxford)
With a performance of Ouija (Jeremy Thurlow) - a piece for solo violin and sound files,  composed for and performed  by Peter Sheppard Skaerved.

'Ouija': Collaboration, Improvisation and History'

This talk explores the nature of distributed creativity in music through examining  the collaboration between composer, Jeremy Thurlow and violinist, Peter Sheppard Skaerved as they worked on Thurlow’s piece, Ouija -  a part improvised, composed work that evokesthe world of the seance.  The talk is preceded by a performance of the piece by Peter Sheppard Skaerved.
The paper outlines the aims and  the methodological approaches that informed this exploration of the collaboration between the composer and performer, and sets out some of the findings. Empirical investigation of the collaborative work between musicians has begun to receive sustained attention in the last ten years. This body of scholarly work includes descriptive studies that illuminate the ways in which performers and composers work together, such studies giving accounts of the wide range of contemporary collaborative practices, and research informed by psycho-social perspectives on creativity, and group creativity in particular, offering various forms of explanatory framework around creative processes. Drawing on these perspectives, the study presented in this paper aims to shed light on the detail of creative work as it is manifest in discursive exchanges between participants, within the textual and improvised output of rehearsals, and asks questions about collaboration, improvisation and musical histories within the creative process.
A free event
All welcome
Room AG09
City University London
College Building
St John Street
London EC1V 4PB