Hi Sally,


I’ve looked this up in some course notes from the YHEC Advanced Systematic Review search course.  The notes are for the PubMed Entrez Date (EDAT) field which I assume is the same as .ed in Ovid.


‘From Dec 15 2008, citations added to PubMed more than 12 months after the date of publication have the EDAT set to the date of publication, except for book citations. Prior to this, the EDAT was set to the publication date on citations published before September 1997’


So maybe the 200 odd missing papers were from April 2012 or earlier, and were allocated the publishing year (2012 or earlier) rather than their actual entry date (2013) to Medline.


Perhaps the create date (.up) is more reliable? For some reason I felt that .ed was more reliable than .up for update searches but I can’t remember/find anything to support this one way or the other… sorry.


Also, just fyi, the truncation works really well in ovid update searches. You could enter a much shorter search string as follows:


(20130128 or 20130129 or 20130130 or 20130131 or 201302* or 201303* or 201304* or 201305*).up


Best wishes





Judy Wright
Senior Information Specialist



From: Sally Dalton [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 22 May 2013 15:06
Subject: update search problem - please help!


Hi there,


I am hoping someone might be able to help me with this update search problem. I need to find all the papers that have been added to Medline (which match my search) since I last ran my search. Here is the process I went through to try and do that:


1.       I ran a search in Medline on the 29th January 2013 and found 12047 papers.

2.       I re-ran the search today and found 12547 papers (step 33)

3.       So there are 500 extra papers that have been found.

4.       I searched for all papers added to the database since the 29th January using the entry date field (step 34)

5.       I expected to find 500 papers

6.       I actually only found 245 (step 35)

7.       Where are the other 255?!


Here is the last few steps of my search:



limit 31 to english language



limit 32 to yr="1990 -Current"



("20130128" or "20130129" or "20130130" or "20130131" or "20130201" or "20130202" or "20130203" or "20130204" or "20130205" or "20130206" or "20130207" or "20130208" or "20130209" or "20130210" or "20130211" or "20130212" or "20130213" or "20130214" or "20130215" or "20130216" or "20130217" or "20130218" or "20130219" or "20130220" or "20130221" or "20130222" or "20130223" or "20130224" or "20130225" or "20130226" or "20130227" or "20130228" or "20130301" or "20130302" or "20130303" or "20130304" or "20130305" or "20130306" or "20130307" or "20130308" or "20130309" or "20130310" or "20130311" or "20130312" or "20130313" or "20130314" or "20130315" or "20130316" or "20130317" or "20130318" or "20130319" or "20130320" or "20130321" or "20130322" or "20130323" or "20130324" or "20130325" or "20130326" or "20130327" or "20130328" or "20130329" or "20130330" or "20130331" or "20130401" or "20130402" or "20130403" or "20130404" or "20130405" or "20130406" or "20130407" or "20130408" or "20130409" or "20130410" or "20130411" or "20130412" or "20130413" or "20130414" or "20130415" or "20130416" or "20130417" or "20130418" or "20130419" or "20130420" or "20130421" or "20130422" or "20130423" or "20130424" or "20130425" or "20130426" or "20130427" or "20130428" or "20130429" or "20130430" or "20130501" or "20130502" or "20130503" or "20130504" or "20130505" or "20130506" or "20130507" or "20130508" or "20130509" or "20130510" or "20130511" or "20130512" or "20130513" or "20130514" or "20130515" or "20130516" or "20130517" or "20130518" or "20130519" or "20130520" or "20130521" or "20130522").ed.



33 and 34



I have played around with using the ‘revision date’ field and the ‘update date’ field but that doesn’t find all 500 either. I am sure I am missing something obvious so apologies if I am but any help would be much appreciated!


Many thanks in advance.




Sally Dalton BA Hons, MSc

Faculty Team Librarian (Dentistry and Psychology)

Health Sciences Library

Level 7

Worsley Building

University of Leeds


0113 34 36974

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Twitter: @lulhealthteam