

ARLG Eastern Librarian TeachMeet - Talking teaching: tips, tools and 

Saturday 15 June, 14:00 to 17:30

Council Chamber, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ 

Join us for this launch event of the Eastern Division of CILIP's Academic 
and Research Libraries Group. Bookings will go live at at 9:00 on Monday 13 May. The 
site will not be publicly accessible until that time.

It's open to anyone interested in teaching and technology in libraries and 
is completely free, including light refreshments. You don't have to be a 
member of CILIP or ARLG to attend.

New to Librarian TeachMeet? Learn more 

Come along as an observer to network and share ideas with colleagues from 
across the region. You can also sign up to give a 3 minute nanopresentation 
or 7 minute micropresentation to share your teaching tips and/or 
suggestions of tools/technology you've found useful in your work.

The combination of short talks and unconference style creates a relaxed, 
fun and supportive atmosphere making Librarian TeachMeets ideal events for 
first time speakers or those looking to gain more experience in presenting. 
So, don't be shy, sign up and get involved!

Not sure what to talk about? Check out the following links for examples 
from previous Librarian TeachMeets across the country:

  * Brighton: 
  * Cambridge: camlibtm1<> 
  *   Huddersfield<>
  *   Liverpool<>
  *   London<>
  *   Oxford<>

Optional tours of the UEA Library<> are also 
offered ahead of the TeachMeet at 12:30, 13:00 and 13:30.

Any questions? Contact us at 
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. You can also follow us 
at @ARLGEastern<> for updates on this event. 
The hashtag for this event is 