

hello Fslexperts,

                                   I have a problem while running tbss to be exact in tbss_3_postreg step. I have 131 subjects when i run postreg step in tbss it does the affine transform of subjects to standard space but the problem arise when it merging all the subjects into 4D file. i ran the post reg script part by part i found the error while merging. 

In terminal it shows error "killed" and then coming out.

I did cross checking by splitting the 131 subjects into two halfs and I got two 4D file (all_FA) when I try to merge these two files it shows the same error.
it couldn't able to merge 131 images in a single 4D file. It can only merge around 90 subjects in 4D file.

please can anyone give me suggestion how to sort out the problem 
any suggestion would be appreciated.