

Hi Jon and Stam,

I have experienced the same, I get huge log files running bedpostx. The files that are huge are bedpostX/logs/log* (for each slice I get a log of about 6GB, with 62 slices leading to ~372GB per subject). I have 4x256 directions for each subject and I preprocessed the data with topup and eddy (don't know if that matters).

This happens only when using fsl 5.0.2, not fsl 4. Also, it only happens when I submit the bedpostx command as tcsh within a *.sh file, but not when I submit the command as tcsh within a *.txt file. It happens also when I run bedpostx directly from the command line but only if I run it on my local computer (Mac OS 10.8) but not on our department's computational cluster (Linux).
