

Hi Saad,

Thanks for your reply. I didn't use the --pd option, instead I used --opd option. Should I delete --opd option? I also want to see the fdt_paths.nii file. 


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Saad Jbabdi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi - you are probably using the --pd option (distance correction). You need to turn that off if you want streamline counts.


On 1 May 2013, at 17:14, Ran Xu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear FSL experts,

I used probtrackx2 with 5000 streamlines for each seed voxel to create the "seeds_to_targets.nii" file. When I loaded the "seeds_to_targets.nii" file, I found some values in it are more than 5000, even reaching a value like 4488952, it's so large. Is it right? Is there a possibility that the value also includes the number of streamlines from other seed voxels passing through this seed voxel? How could I get this voxel's real streamline number because I wanna know the total connection number.
 Another  "seeds_to_targets.nii.gz" file gave me some Nan or Inf values. Is it ok if I just ignore these numbers?

Thank you so much,

Saad Jbabdi
University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre

JR Hospital, Headington, OX3 9DU, UK
(+44)1865-222466  (fax 717)