


I'm using FSL 5.0.2 and trying to get coordinates using the cluster command. However, I seem to be getting the same result regardless of whether I am using --mm or not. My maps are in standard 1mm space. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance!!


1. cluster -i 5v5_Right-Pallidum_tstat3.nii.gz -t 3.355

Cluster Index	Voxels	MAX	MAX X (vox)	MAX Y (vox)	MAX Z (vox)	COG X (vox)	COG Y (vox)	COG Z (vox)
3	43	5.98	81	122	61	82.2	121	60.8
2	5	4.05	87	109	72	86.6	110	72
1	3	3.85	79	126	62	79.3	126	62.3

2. cluster -i 5v5_Right-Pallidum_tstat3.nii.gz -t 3.355 --mm

Cluster Index	Voxels	MAX	MAX X (mm)	MAX Y (mm)	MAX Z (mm)	COG X (mm)	COG Y (mm)	COG Z (mm)
3	43	5.98	81	122	61	82.2	121	60.8
2	5	4.05	87	109	72	86.6	110	72
1	3	3.85	79	126	62	79.3	126	62.3