

Dear all,

This is just a remind of the three current calls we have for theme issues of Surveillance & Society:

1. Big Data Surveillance, edited by Mark Andrejevic and Kelly Gates

Due date: May 31st 2013 (but contact editors for possible extensions)

2. Surveillance and Sport, edited by Ian Warren and Nils Zurawski

Due date: May 31st 2013 (but contact editors for possible extensions)

3. Surveillance, Games and Play, edited by Bart Simon and Jennifer Whitson

Due date: September 15th 2013

David Murakami Wood.

Visiting Professor, Department of Aesthetics & Communication - Information Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Surveillance Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Canada.
Editor-in-Chief, Surveillance & Society,<>

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