

With apologies for any cross-postings.


I would be grateful if you could bring this to the attention of colleagues in your networks who may be interested in offering papers or attending the conference itself


SRUC-SEPA conference "Delivering multiple objectives from our land: sustainable development in practice", Edinburgh 15-16 April 2014. Organised in association with Forest Research, James Hutton Institute and Scottish Natural Heritage.


International Conference: Call for papers & posters. DEADLINE 19 JULY 2013.


Offers of posters and papers are invited under the following themes:


1) How can integrated land management planning and policies be delivered in practice?


2) How can the need to produce more energy from renewable sources be balanced with the need for more natural carbon sequestration?


3) Is sustainable intensification of farming and forestry production systems the route to deliver low carbon land management?


4) Would a greater focus on permaculture or agro-forestry help maximise ecosystem service delivery?


Further details available at:


With thanks in advance






Dr Davy McCracken

Reader in Agricultural Ecology

Leader: Sustainable Ecosystems Team      Associate of the SRUC Rural Policy Centre

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SRUC: Leading the way in Agricultural and Rural Research, Education and Consultancy

Scotland’s Rural College - SRUC was formed on 1 October 2012 by the merger of Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges and SAC (Scottish Agricultural College):

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