

Hi all - just for information.

The BNF used to dissuade people from routine valproate monitoring in
epilepsy, but I recently noticed that they had changed the relevant
section to read:
"Sodium valproate has widespread metabolic effects and monitoring is
essential" (see BNF 64, page 298). They meant LFT and FBC monitoring,
but it wasn't at all clear from the context.

I wrote to them about this, and am pleased to say that BNF 65
(March-Sept 2013) now says (bottom of page 302): "Sodium valproate has
widespread metabolic effects and monitoring of liver function tests and
full blood count is essential.... Plasma valproate concentrations are
not a useful index of efficacy, therefore routine monitoring is

Small victory - might be useful to some of you in restricting
inappropriate requests.



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