

Dear All

Just for information - I just happen to have translation a (part?) 
translation of the original stele (done by a colleague)

"O Lofty one to whom praise is given
Great one of souls, mightily respected soul
whom the gods hold in awe
who appear in glory on your throne
The great one who makes paths
for my soul, my spirit and my shade
You have provided sunshine for me there
A way is prepared for me to the place
where Khnum, itum, Khopri and hathor live"

Dr John Ward explained to me that Crowley was unlucky to be assisted in 
his translation by
a fairly untalented Egyptologist -
there is an interesting issue about what happens when an initially badly 
translated text used as basis fora religious revelation is itself 
revised and
in some cases reverses the meaning ?

Happens in a book called "Rebel in the Soul" very influential on William 
Burroughs but
pretty misleading as a translations (according to James P Allen)
isse is discussed in my essay "The Sethian Way of Death" in collection 
Momenti Mori

