

I happened to notice last night that the Lion builds of Hikianalia
are missing the hypertext documentation.

Processing one document by hand (cd docs/sc/021; make clean; make)
the build ends like this.

Star2HTML V1.6-1
Processing file: 
Preparations finished - now starting LaTeX2HTML

defined(%hash) is deprecated at 
/star-hikianalia/share/latex2html/bin/latex2html line 523.
         (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(%hash) is deprecated at 
/star-hikianalia/share/latex2html/bin/latex2html line 2096.
         (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(%hash) is deprecated at 
/star-hikianalia/share/latex2html/bin/latex2html line 9097.
         (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
$* is no longer supported at 
/star-hikianalia/share/latex2html/bin/latex2html line 10598.
Error: No such image type ''.
        This installation supports (first is default):
Star2HTML fatal: Translation of document 
/Users/mjc/soft/starlink-hikianalia/docs/sc/021/sc21.tex failed.
test -d sc21.htx
if test -f sc21.htx_tar.extras; then \
           for f in `cat sc21.htx_tar.extras`; do \
             test -f "$f" && cp "$f" sc21.htx || true; \
           done; else :; fi
tar cf sc21.htx_tar sc21.htx

It's easy to miss this as "make world" happily continues after this.

The build on Snow Leopard has the hypertext.

What is needed to correct this?

Scanned by iCritical.