

Dear FSL group
I am trying to segment FLAIR images to automatically detect brain and lesion in some clinical MS scans. Just running FAST on brain-extracted FLAIR images (3 class segmentation on T1 images) yields some weird results with both CSF and lesions (opposite ends of the intensity spectrum) being classified as CSF. Is this a product of FAST forcing high intensity voxels (presumably fat signal in T1 images) to be CSF (or more specifically "non-brain")? Is there a way I can get around this? These images have pretty good differential intensities for CSF, brain and lesion so it looks like a relatively simple problem compared to grey/white matter segmentation.


Scott Kolbe
NHMRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience and
The Florey Institute
University of Melbourne
+61383441915 / +61432340471