

Hi Monica,

In my experience, the optic radiations are quite straightforward to find with tractography. The only problem with the Meyer's loop is that it is highly curved, so methods that use a low curvature threshold may struggle. The probtrackx default though should be high enough, if not you may want to experiment with the --cthr parameter.

Hope this helps,

On 8 Apr 2013, at 17:39, Monica Giraldo wrote:

> Hi, I need to segment the sagittal stratum (SS) to do tractography from here to the LGN and V1. But I don't find it in any of the atlases in FSL, and neither in the segmentation of Freesurfer. Does anybody know where can I find an atlas that have this region?
> Also, I did tractography from LGN to V1 and I seem to have a good result. However, some papers I've read say that it is not possible to obtain the optical radiations, especially the Meyer Loop. So that means that the results I'm obtaining from tractography are not reliable? I shouldnt tust that connectivity results (waytotal and the fdt_faths)? They say (these papers) that because of the form of the meyer's loop, then tractography in that region is not reliable. So, how can I analyze the connectivity between LGN and V1?
> Is there any other region other than the sagittal stratum (SS) that could be use to analyze the connectivity between these visual areas, and obtain the optic radiations? 
> Thanks,