

BioSAXS time is available at CHESS

Please apply soon to guarantee your spot!

Dear BioSAXS users, 

Beamtime is available for the Summer run (May 8 - June 18, 2013) for BioSAXS.

To apply for time, please submit an online express-mode proposal at
(select F2 station for BioSAXS)

Please ALWAYS check our BioSAXS web link for new, updated information:

---- News ------

New low-background disposbale sample flow cells!  Our new plastic flow chip design offers the best window material yet for BioSAXS. Our thin-film polystyrene produces lower background scattering than any available glass, plastic, or even mica windows. The cells are easy to make in quantity and can be changed in a matter of minutes to provide a clean, pristine environment for your samples. Visibility of the sample plug has also been improved.

Built-in N2 blow dry system. Accurate quantification of molecular mass requires accurate knowlege of concentration. Any residual moisture in a sample cell can dilute the results and lead to underestimation of molecular mass. Our new blow dry system removes last traces of moisture from the cell in seconds, permitting accurate measurements without wasteful pre-rinsing.

Improved methods for concentration measurement. BioSAXS experts are developing a consensus that knowing your sample concentration accurately for molecular weight estimation is a very important. Our Direct Detect spectrometer from EMD Millipore has arrived. This is the first commerically available instrument for determining protein concentration using infrared spectrometry. Because IR methods detect peptide bonds rather than aromatic residues, no molar exinction coefficients are needed! Since conventional A280 methods with nanodrop-type machines are not always reliable, the Direct Detect will give you an extra, completely independent cross-check of sample concentration using only 2 ul of sample. DNA, RNA, detergents and lipids do not interfere with IR methods, so the technique may also be advantageous for many mixed complexes.  IR scans can also be used as a general analytical tool to verify sample composition. IR spectrometry does have limitations too, but we beleive this is a very valuable addition to the MacCHESS BioSAXS facility.

A variety of new SEC columns are now available for the AKTA Purifier.  A newly-installed valve kit allow us to switch between multiple columns automatically, easily connectiong your own, if desired. 

Don't forget to check out the exciting BioSAXS Training Workshops happening at the ACA meeting this year in Hawaii!
International experts, including representatives from most U.S. beamlines and major lab source companies will be on hand to help you learn all the best data processing tips and tricks. Both advanced and beginner sessions available. Live software tutorials will be provided. 

Be sure to regester soon before we fill up! 
Check here for more information:


As always, we are looking forward to your visit!


Richard Gillilan