

Count me in, Panos, the symposium sounds like a great idea.

On our PG Cert I try to pepper it with some of these ideas, but I think it’s tough on a 60-credit course because of all the other demands which are all jostling for position.  I’m sure we are all get the same emails from people – why not more on employability; why not more on international students; why not more on sustainability??? – and so on. 

I suppose I would say that some ideas are overarching – about what is HE for – and some are more like flavour of the month – but that is apt to cause offence, particularly if you see flavour of the month as overarching!

One way I deal with it is to have a research project on the programme, to let people explore the ideas that they are interested in, emphasising that it’s not what’s taught, but the space the programme allows for exploration.

That said I do try to cover some of this ground in a module I run on `Contextualising HE’. It tends to get the most favourable feedback, but is quite a long way from the UK PSF.  But perhaps I just don’t design the module that well???

John Lea
Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit
Canterbury Christ Church University

From: Online forum for SEDA, the Staff & Educational Development Association [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Vlachopoulos, Panos [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 13 March 2013 16:10
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: is the notion of Radical Education explored enough within the UK PGCCerts?

Dear colleagues,

I wonder how many institutions that run PGCerts in HE or similar explore  with the idea of 'Radical Curricula' and 'Radical Education'?

 Do we recommend readings by Stephen Brookfield or journals like ?

 Are there PGCerts that have as part of their 60 credits provision a module on Adult Critical Theory and Practice?

Any information more than welcome!

I would be also interested in co-organizing a symposium day with this theme...if anyone interested?

best wishes


Dr Panos Vlachopoulos, B.Ed,M.Ed,PhD,FHEAProgramme
 Director PGCPP/ Lecturer in Academic Practice
Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
Aston University