


 you're interested in getting together with an agenda based around the suggestions below could you please respond by tomorrow with a preference for :

University of Edinburgh, 2-5pm, Thurs 11 April
Perth College UHI, 1-4.30pm, Fri 5 April
University of Strathclyde, day/time TBC

Please also feel free to suggest additional agenda items.

Many thanks to UHI, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Heriott-Watt for their responses so far. Responses from the other 20 or so institutions on this list would be appreciated; please remember that even negative responses help illustrate if folks are too busy / want something different / have issues with venue or timing / etc.



 From: Duncan Ireland <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 27 February 2013, 16:40
Subject: Next Meeting


It's been a wee while now since I moved to the University of the Highlands and Islands so I thought it might be good to get a wee catchup organised.

I think 2-5pm Thurs 11 Apr, University of Edinburgh has already been proposed so I assume that date/venue remains available. I'd like to offer up 1-4.30pm Fri 5 Apr at Perth College UHI as an alternative date or the University of Strathclyde have also agreed to host if that is the group preference.

Agenda items which occur to me are :
	* General catchup - it feels like there has been a fair amount of change of late so it might be useful for attendees to give a brief overview of hot topics, projects and issues at their home institutions
	* IWMW2013 - further to emails to this group from Brian, do we have anything to suggest / propose / contribute to this year's IWMW?
	* Google Analytics - I've been working on a lot more analytics of late and wondered if there would be any interest in a session on different uses we put Google Analytics to e.g. I've done some work on demonstrating value (based on discussions over the years with Sid) and some work on correlating web traffic to applications activity

	* KIS - now that the KIS widget is live, how have different institutions dealt with the work and has it exposed any issues?
	* Mobile - who's gone live with what for small screen devices? Apps, responsive design, etc. How has success been measured? Stats / feedback / other?
	* Paid-for online advertising - is anyone involved in this? Google AdWords? FB Ads? Other methods?

So if you're interested in getting together with an agenda based around the suggestions above could you please respond by 6 Mar with a preference for :

University of Edinburgh, 2-5pm, Thurs 11 April
Perth College UHI, 1-4.30pm, Fri 5 April
University of Strathclyde, day/time TBC

Please also feel free to suggest additional agenda items.

