

	a turn in a half-circle looking southward 

	a curve of granite uplands; and, between, 

	within a half-ellipse of stone and sight 

	in which the broken peaks, older than Jehova, 

	have precedence in shaping function, 

	fields, many showing evidence of work 


	turn the other way, and the universe  

	is shaped striped pottery -- light blue; 

	dark blue with green; then green and brown 


	the rectangularity of hedge grids 

	does not change the underlying circularity 

	of this end of present Earth, finis terra 

	(so much more impressive than English lands end 

	suggesting a state of things which needs specialism: 

	there's not just some water you can't ford or round 


	but the significance is read inland 

	where all directions converge or double back 

	as if in panic at an abattoir truck 


	this morning's a bronze age, flowering yellow, 

	chunk greys glow with the sunlight they have sucked; 

	green shimmering beneath white-and-blue 

	in which the moon floats on bright Earth shadow 

	tilted upon the flow of other gravity 


	a standing stone in the middle of its field goes on 


	study it 

	rub your head and arse on it 

	like a cow 


	this is an entire space to be 

	while its warm 

	a bare dry wall-stone pulsates 

	with tiny spiders, each staggering onward,  

	the road's wet with them, briefly; 

	small birds hesitate and then flutter about, eating them bittily 

	hesitant and not quite sure, full of urges 


	listen to the first few insects hum, the wind lifting 

	your hair across your ears, your blood ascending 

	and descending the pyramid of the brain 


	not stunned and sweaty as in August's greatest heats 

	but still as before any opening out, 

	the day-time yet too brief and chilly daisied