

Université de Genève, Uni Bastions, salle B101, April 12 - 13, 2013

Colloque international

Inscrit dans le Projet Sinergia du FNS "Constructing Identity: Visual,
Spatial and Literary Cultures in Lombardy (14th-16th century)" des
Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Zurich et de l’EPFL de Lausanne
(, ce colloque est consacré à la présence d’œuvres
et de  personnalités septentrionales (musiciens, orfèvres, graveurs,
peintres, etc.) en Lombardie entre le milieu du XVe et le début du XVIe
siècle. Il s’attachera particulièrement à comprendre le rôle joué par
la cour des Sforza.

Vendredi 12 avril 2013
Uni Bastions, salle B101

14h Accueil et introduction
Président de séance: Frédéric Elsig

14h30 "Luoghi di diffusione della cultura oltremontana nella Milano
Edoardo Rossetti (Milan) et Carlo Cairati (Milan)

15h15 "Sculture “oltremontane” nella Lombardia sforzesca: presenze,
scambi, importazioni"
Marco Rossati (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

15h45 Discussion et pause

16h30 "Presenze orafe « del Nord » a Milano e Mantova tra la seconda
metà del XV secolo e gli inizi del successivo"
Paola Venturelli (Museo Gonzaga di Mantova)

17h "Dal Nord a Milano: stampe e stampatori tra Quattro e Cinquecento"
Laura Aldovini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) et
Corinna Tania Gallori (Milan)

17h45 Discussion

Samedi 13 avril 2013
Uni Bastions, salle B101

8h30 Accueil et introduction
Président de séance: Mauro Natale

9h "Milano e il Nord Europa nel Quattrocento: il contributo dei maestri
vetrai e il caso di Hans Witz"
Stefania Buganza (Università Cattolica di Milano)

9h30 "Livres d'heures lombards à la fin du XVe siècle: à propos de
quelques modèles septentrionaux"
Christine Seidel (Freie Universität de Berlin)

10h Discussion et pause

10h45 "Le opere del Maestro della candela spenta, un cartonista di
arazzi brussellesi dell'inizio del XVI secolo finora trascurato"
Nello Forti Grazzini (Milan)

11h15 "Grünewald in Lombardia?"
Edoardo Villata (Milan)

11h45 "Presenze di musici oltremontani a Milano tra Quattro e
Marco Bizzarini (Università degli studi di Padova)

12h15 Discussion et conclusions

Informations pratiques

Uni Bastions
Salle B101
5 rue De-Candolle
1211 Genève 4

L’accès au colloque est libre et ouvert à toute personne intéressée.


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T. +41 (0)22 379 76 19

Université de Genève
Unité d’histoire de l’art
Uni Dufour
24 rue du Général-Dufour
CH – 1211 Genève 4


Madrid, July 4 - 14, 2013
Deadline: May 5, 2013

The second PALATIUM Summer School “Court Residences as Places of
Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe" will be held in
Madrid (Spain), from 4 to 14 July 2013.

It will focus on the late medieval and early modern European court
residence or ‘palace’ in an interdisciplinary perspective. The summer
school will offer lectures on this topic by an international group of
experts, as well as field trips to various castles and residences in
central Spain. Participation is free and open to both MA and PhD
students. The application deadline is 5 May.

More information on the programme and on the application procedure is
available on the PALATIUM website:


Los Angeles, Getty Center, May 10 - 11, 2013

Friday, May 10–Saturday, May 11, 2013, 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
The Getty Research Institute

This two-day conference examines the circulation of objects across
regions and cultures in the early modern period (1500–1800). Scholarly
presentations address how this mobility led to new meanings, uses, and
interpretations. Breakout sessions invite the audience to examine works
of art in the Getty's collections.

Scholarly presentations address such topics as the diplomatic exchange
of gifts among the Ottoman Empire, Europe, and South Asia; the transfer
of luxury goods between China and Mexico; and the reception of Persian
ceramics and other foreign imports on the Swahili Coast of East Africa.
Breakout sessions invite the audience to consider the questions raised
by the conference while examining works of art in the Getty's
collections. A closing roundtable provides an opportunity to discuss
the methodological and theoretical potential of this line of inquiry
for the study and teaching of art history.

Confirmed speakers:

Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Queen's University, Ontario
Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
Zirwat Chowdhury, University of California, Los Angeles
Chanchal Dadlani, Wake Forest University
Jessica Keating, University of Southern California
Dana Leibsohn, Smith College
Meredith Martin, Wellesley College
Sandy Prita Meier, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Avinoam Shalem, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich
Mary Sheriff, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Claudia Swan, Northwestern University
Nancy Um, Binghamton University
Gerhard Wolf, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence

This event is cosponsored by the Getty Research Institute and the
USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute. It is organized by
Daniela Bleichmar (University of Southern California), Meredith Martin
(Wellesley College), and Joanne Pillsbury (Getty Research Institute).

Please see webpage for more detail:
