

italian-studies: Scholarly discussions in any field of Italian studies

Dear All,

the editorial team of Modern Italy ( is pleased to announce
a new call for reviews.
Please find below a list of the books currently available to be reviewed in
the journal.

The deadline to request a volume for review will be *Thursday 4 April* and
the books will be sent out at the beginning of May. Please note that there
is a *3 month deadline* for the submission of reviews.

Should you be interested in one of the titles or in case you need further
information, do not hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to:
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Best wishes,
Cristina Massaccesi



   1. Antonello, Pierpaolo, *Contro il materialismo* (Aragno, 2012)
   2. Berton, Fabio, Richiardi, Matteo & Sacchi, Stefano, *The Political
   Economy of Work Security and Flexibility: Italy in Comparative Perspective
   * (Policy Press, 2012)
   3. Cardini, Antonio, *Storia di Siena dal Risorgimento al Miracolo
   economico* (Nerbini, 2009)
   4. Cassina Wolff, Elisabetta *L'inchiostro dei vinti* (Mursia, 2012)
   5. Chiara, Luigi, *La modernizzazione senza sviluppo. Messina a cento
   anni dal terremoto (1908-2008)* (Le Lettere, 2011)
   6. Esposito, Roberto, *Terms of the Political. Community, Immunity,
   Biopolitics* (Fordham UP, 2013)
   7. Fenoaltea, Stefano, *The Reinterpretation of Italian Economic
History*(CUP, 2011)
   8. Fiume, Giovanna, *Schiavitu' mediterranee. Corsari, rinnegati e santi
   di eta' moderna* (Bruno Mondadori, 2009)
   9. Glynn, Ruth, Lombardi, Giancarlo & O'Leary, Alan *Terrorism, Italian
   Style Representations of Political Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema
   * (igrs, 2012)
   10. Greppi, Edoardo and Pagella, Enrica (eds.) *Sir James Hudson nel
   Risorgimento italiano* (Rubbettino, 2012)
   11. Heafford, Michael (ed.), *Life in the South* (Postillion Books, 2012)
   12. Menzani, Tito, *La macchina nel tempo. La meccanica strumentale
   italiana dalle origini all'affermazione in campo internazionale* (Clueb,
   13. Palma, Silvana et al., *Colonia e postcolonia come spazi diasporici.
   Attraversamenti di memorie, identita' e confini nel Corno
d'Africa*(Carocci, 2011)
   14. Pine, Jason *The Art of Making Do in Naples* (University of
   Minnesota Press, 2012)
   15. Pozzi, Daniele *Una sfida al capitalismo italiano: Giuseppe
Luraghi*(Marsilio, 2012)
   16. Scardino Belzer, Allison, *Women and the Great War: Femininity Under
   Fire in Italy* (Palgrave MacMillan, 2010)
   17. Sciarrone, Rocco, *La costruzione del ceto medio* (Il Mulino, 2011)
   18. Selva, Simone, *Integrazione internazionale e sviluppo interno.
   Stati Uniti e Italia nei programmi di riarmo del blocco atlantico
   (1945-1955)* (Carocci, 2009)

Dr Cristina Massaccesi
Teaching Fellow & Language Coordinator
School of European Languages, Culture and Society
Italian Department
University College London
Gower Street WC1E 6BT London
Phone: 020 7679 3022
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