

Hi fellow boundary watchers

I'd just like to bring your attention to the conference we've been busy organising these last few months.  Like IBRU, we'd like the many disciplines that engage with international boundaries to talk to each other a little more productively and this represents our first attempt to gauge the possibilities here.  We've got a wonderful venue and a great line-up so we'd hope to see a few old friends in the audience as well as on the podium.

King's College London, Volterra Fietta and UK Hydrographic Office
request the pleasure of your company at
[Volterra Fietta. The London International Boundary Conference 2013]<>
Department of Geography, King's College, London is co-organising The London International Boundary Conference 2013, alongside Volterra Fietta and the UK Hydrographic Office. The Conference will take place on 18 and 19 April 2013 at the Royal Geographical Society, with a pre-Conference technical workshop taking place on the afternoon of 17 April 2013 at King's College. We would be delighted if you or your colleagues would join us at the Conference.
The Conference speakers are among the world's leading experts and practitioners in the resolution and management of territorial disputes. They will examine recent developments in disputed "hotspots" around the world, and discuss new and emerging ideas for the resolution and management of territorial disputes, from legal, geopolitical, technical, commercial and other viewpoints. The Conference will examine how these varied, emerging perspectives might inform a more integrated approach to international boundary and territorial disputes. The Conference, which will be attended by delegates and speakers from all over the world, will provide a unique and multidisciplinary insight into the complex world of international boundary and sovereignty disputes and will attract all those with an interest in international boundary and sovereignty issues.
Please click on the links below for further information. As places are limited, we recommend you book early in order
to avoid disappointment.
• List of Speakers<> • Schedule<> • Participation fee<> •
• Registration<> •
[The London International Boundary Conference 2013 sponsors]