

Hi Jake

4.1.4 is about 5 years old. There have been quite a few changes since then, but when it comes to defaults the main changes are improvements on the MCMC initialisation and slight changes in the diffusivity priors.

Hope this helps,

On 14 Mar 2013, at 19:16, Jake wrote:

> Dear FSL experts,
> In regards to the bedpostx being something that did change (in email chain of older post), I would like to know if this is in regard to the Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling or to other things. The reason I am curious is that I've used bedpostx from FSL 4.1.4 and compared the resulting tractography result for a specific seed region, to the result from FSL 5.0.1, and they have some differences. 
> Is this to be expected? If it is mainly with respect to MCMC, is there a lay-person explanation as to why you could get differences between versions?
> Thanks for your help!
> Jake