Hi Rosalia,
You haven't specified the warp file, it seems.


On 1 March 2013 12:17, Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I thought about using nn interpolation...but I get the same result....


2013/3/1 Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo <[log in to unmask]>
Dear Fsl experts,

I am trying to register the AAL template to fmri preprocessed data.

I have been using the affine matrix generated from the preprocessing steps (highres2example_func.mat)...so I have done the following:

applywarp -i aal.nii.gz -r example_func.nii.gz --premat=highres2example_func.mat -o fmri_to_aal.nii.gz

The problem is that the resultant image is rotated....any idea about where could be the problem? I visually inspected the registration results from preprocessing my fmri images with slicesdir...and the registration is ok...so...I do not where can be the problem.

Any suggestion would be very appreciate.

Best regards,
