

A design matrix must have more rows than columns for the model to be estimable, so you need to cut down on your DV.


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:40 AM, Matteo Diano <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thank you for your answer.
I've tried to construct a matrix 3 subjects X 4 EV and I have got the same error... I am using FSL 5.0.2 on WMplayer linux centos 6 64bit.
I've tried also on MAC 10.7.5 and I've got the same error as well.
Any suggestions will be very appreciated!!!
Thanks you.


2013/2/26 Stephen Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Hi - most likely this is an "illegal" design matrix, one way or another - maybe you have empty EVs or it's rank deficient in some other way.

On 20 Feb 2013, at 15:55, Matteo Diano wrote:

Dear FSL experts,
I have constructed a matrix with Glm that is composed by 24 subject X 30 EV (behavioral variables). When I tried to save it I received an error message:

Problem with processing the model: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NEWMAT::ProgramException'

Glm saved me only a *.fsf but I need the *.mat *.con to use in the dual_regression analysis (randomise step). I noticed if I divide the matrix in two (15 and 15) I can save both of them...
Why I cannot save the entire matrix?  It is right if I use the divided matrix instead of the unique one for the dual_regression analysis?
Thank you very much for your helpfulness!


Stephen M. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Director,  Oxford University FMRIB Centre

FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
+44 (0) 1865 222726  (fax 222717)
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