

One article from George Monbiot summed up the entire stupidity of humanity this week. Fits nicely with this newspaper article. Why use more resources which we have precious little of when it is the use of said resources that is the root of the problem?
Why seek more energy generating capacity when all its used for is to drive our little trinkets and designer trendy 'look at me' goodies? Vanity knows no boundaries nor limits of the conspiring imaginations for a quick profit.

One other subject that I suggest all members of the Crisis Forum familiarise themselves with is conflict minerals. Google it. You will be horrified at just how horrific the human rights violations are just so we can have the designer trendy gadgets and trinkets. Don't see much of that being reported in the Sunday press.

Mandy Meikle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

What chance do we have of getting people to stop consuming resources at such a rate when this is the response from the media/mainstream (whatever it is!)?
Thanks Alastair
Mandy x
From: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">Alastair McIntosh
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 8:16 AM
To: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Subject: Crisis as we all stop shopping - today's Sunday Express

Crisis? What a crisis! Wasn’t that Supertramp back when we were young?


Daily Express Weekend
Mar 17 2013