

Following a successful run of the courses detailed below, at Edinburgh Napier University, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the following short courses are scheduled to also take place, again, in June 2013 at The University of Manchester.  Summary information is given below.  For more detailed information and registration forms please see, providing your address and/or fax number, or email [log in to unmask]

******All of our courses include hands-on computer practical work******

******We also provide consultancy advice and bespoke training******

Statistics for University Administrators (venue: The University of Manchester, UK) -> 18 June 2013. View:

Advanced Excel for Students' Records Administrators (venue: The University of Manchester, UK) -> 19 June 2013. View:

In addition to these two courses the following course is also scheduled to take place at The University of Manchester,

Taking Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Further: Macros for Data Management and Statistics -> 20 June 2013. View:

Kind Regards

Emma Hollands
Training Co-ordinator
Statistical Services Centre, 
University of Reading, 
Harry Pitt Building, 
Whiteknights Road, 
Reading, RG6 6FN, UK

Tel: +44(0)118 378 8689
   Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

If you would like to receive our annual short course brochure, please click here: