Not specifically zooarch, but may be of interest- 

SUNY-Buffalo seeks a post-doctoral scholar for its interdisciplinary Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology. During the 10 month tenure
the Post-Doc teaches one graduate seminar (preferably on the topic of the symposium) organizes a symposium, and edits the subsequent volume of
collected conference papers. The symposium topic should reflect IEMA's focus on post-Pleistocene European and Mediterranean anthropological and
classical archaeology. Application letter, vita, list of references and a three page description of the proposed symposium topic including intended
invitees must be received by March 1, 2013 for an August 2013 start, pending final budgetary approvial. Email applications and inquiries should be
sent to IEMA Director Peter Biehl at [log in to unmask]

The University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer

Dr. Suzanne E. Pilaar Birch

Postdoctoral Fellow
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
60 George Street, Providence, RI, 02912 USA