Use NULL instead of DAT__ROOT. When I installed a proper HDS C API the need for DAT__ROOT disappeared. It should have given you a warning with -Wall.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Eduardo Unda-Sanzana <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
My old software now compiles, but I'm getting strange errors while trying to open a 2-D NDF. I'd like to check if the syntax I'm using is still valid but I'm not able to find documentation for the NDF library. Is there any publicly available?

In particular the relevant lines of my code are:

        statusndf = SAI__OK;
        if (ndimndf != 2) {
                fprintf(stderr, "The file %s.sdf is not 2-dimensional.\n",name);

and the output is:

!! HDS locator invalid for import: value==0xbfbb5030 (possible programming
!     error).
!! DAT_SHAPE: Error enquiring the shape of an HDS object.
!! NDF_OPEN: Error opening an NDF data structure.
The file test.sdf is not 2-dimensional.
