

Thank you for sharing these!

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:16 PM, David Roy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear List,

Please find attached some new pictures of Spenser's castle and the cave. The three pictures are: a panoramic shot of the castle, the boulder blocking the tunnel/cave and the tunnel that continues past the boulder.  I managed to climb over the boulder that is blocking the cave. When I did, I noticed that the tunnel continued back towards the castle. I had to crawl on my belly for a good portion, but it does keep going! The ceiling is about the same level as when you enter the cave, it is the floor that gets closer to the ceiling. The evidence is still there that this is a souterrain.

David Roy

David Lee Miller
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC  29208
(803) 777-4256
FAX   777-9064
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