6.30 pm, 4 March:  Robert Chandler "Russian Magic Tales from Pushkin to Platonov"

Off he went towards the blue sea.
The blue sea was blacker than black.
He called out to the golden fish…
      (Aleksandr Pushkin)
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted…   (Mae West)

Robert Chandler will talk about the anthology of folk tales he has recently compiled for Penguin Classics. This comprises both true oral folk tales and adaptations of folk tales by four Russian writers: Aleksandr Pushkin, Nadezhda Teffi, Pavel Bazhov & Andrey Platonov. Chandler will read from his translations and discuss what new understandings these writers brought to the folk tales they reworked.

Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0DU
020 7253 1485


On a different note, here are links to a few recent reviews of our new NYRB Classics edition of Platonov's HAPPY MOSCOW.
The following is rather wonderfully damning!

All the best,
