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Taking place at the London Knowledge Lab<>, Bloomsbury, this seminar discusses methods and applications of using qualitative software, with particular reference to ATLAS.ti.

Dr Susanne Friese (Quarc Consulting<>) is a long-standing expert user and trainer of ATLAS.ti and has recently published the only text book<> available which concentrates solely on the use of ATLAS.ti to facilitate qualitative data analysis. Dr Christina Silver (CAQDAS Networking Project) has been using and training in ATLAS.ti for many years, and brings her knowledge about other CAQDAS applications to her thinking about the use of ATLAS.ti.

Together, Susanne and Christina will discuss a range of issues relating to the role of ATLAS.ti, broadly in terms of analysis methods, and also specifically in terms of particular uses. (see abstracts below)

This seminar is supported by the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM).

The costs are £20 for students, £40 for academic/third sector, £60 government/commercial


Necessity for new methods in computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (S Friese)

Based on my experiences working with CAQDAS users, I know that is easier said than done to adopt analysis methods that have been developed and described for manual ways of handling data to a computer-assisted environment. Not uncommon, users get frustrated and blame the software for it; it does not suit their needs, they feel lost and overwhelmed by the many codes they have created and don’t know what the next steps should be. They return to manual ways of analysis, use Word or create Excel tables. I argue that there is a need for a new method (or methods) when using CAQDAS and that it is not possible to simply apply existing methods. Therefore I have developed the NCT method of computer-assisted analysis that I would like to present and discuss at the seminar.

Using qualitative software to do a literature review (C Silver)

One of the main benefits of using CAQDAS packages are their role as project management tools, which can be used from the earliest stages of project conception and design, through data collection, transcription, analysis and reporting. Conducting a systematic review of methodological and substantive literature can also be facilitated by the use of CAQDAS packages, and critiques subsequently integrated with analysis of primary/secondary data. This presentation presents an overview of how this can be achieved, using ATLAS.ti as the prime example, and contrasting its’ functionality for developing and analysing integrated critical appraisals of literature with that found in other CAQDAS packages.

Qualitative video analysis: Various approaches and new possibilities (S Friese)

I start this presentation with an overview of existing methods of working with video. Some of them describe a systematic approach to data analysis; others regard analysis as being more implicit as in ethnographic film making. Video material for analysis can originate from various sources ranging from professional films to videos recorded with smart phones or other simple cameras given to respondents to capture their life situation. In the literature, we find a number of approaches to analyse these different sources of data. Most of them are discipline specific, for example being related to media studies, behavioural sciences, sociology, educational science or anthropology. After outlining these approaches, I propose a systematic computer-assisted method of analysis based on new technological advances as recently has been made available by ATLAS.ti 7. I will be presenting work in progress and discussion is welcome. My propositions are that the proposed method of analysis works across disciplines, and it is not tied to specific research questions or particular video sources. It makes the analysis process transparent and comprehensible, does not rely on detailed score transcription but can be combined with transcripts if suitable or desired

Dr Christina Silver
CAQDAS Networking Project
Day Courses in Social Research
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Department of Sociology
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK