

OK, brace yourselves people. This is the sort of thing I get excited about.

James said:

On 12 February 2013 08:18, James Alvarez <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Speaking generally, there are often good practical and theoretical
reasons to reduce the amount of information in data.  Too much information
is often harder to understand and is liable to just be noise - AKA to not
see the wood for the trees.  It's probably better to address this at the
point of collection rather than later but with a good a priori rational
then there is no reasonnot to.
> 'More is better' when applied to variables and levels within variables is
not always the case and probably often wrong.  I would also say its
misleading to compare it to having more participants as one is a question
of power and the other of resolution.
And Rosemary said"

"In short, transformation and loss do not equate to the same thing - and,
of course, there are all kinds of reasons why we might make reasoned
decisions to discard data too."

There might be reasons to discard data for interpretational purposes, but
it's rare to see a case for analytic purposes. (Although one of the
references at the end addresses this).

It's pretty easy to demonstrate that transformation and data loss do equate
to the same thing. Here's a baby simulation written in R.

I generate 1000 samples, of 100 people. The mean in the population  is
0.01. For each sample, I run a t-test and see if the mean is significantly
different from zero.

x <- rep(c(1:1000))
x <-, 100))
tt <- function(n) t.test(rnorm(n)+0.03)$p.value

for(loop in c(1:1000)) {
    x$V2[loop] <- tt(100)

mean(x$V2 < 0.05)

Here's the result;

> mean(x$V2 < 0.05)
[1] 0.858

This means that I'm getting a statistically significant result 86% of the

Because all assumptions were satisfied, I can also use a simple power
analysis to do this:

power.t.test(n=100, delta=0.3, sd=1, type="one.sample")

     One-sample t test power calculation

              n = 100
          delta = 0.3
             sd = 1
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.8439467
    alternative = two.sided

So the analytic approach says that I have 84% power.  Pretty close.

As soon as you start to violate assumptions, we can't use power analysis
any more, and we're stuck with simulations. (It's not hard to run these in
SPSS either, but I don't have it, so I can't. It's easier in R anyway).

So then I categorize my variable. I'll cut it at -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5 -
I'll create a 5 point scale, which is still pretty close to normally

> mean(x$V2 < 0.05)
[1] 0.737

Now my power is 0.74 - I've lost some information when I categorized the
scale, and hence I've lost some power.  The more I categorize, the more
information I lose, and the more power I lose.  (It's also worth noting
that I haven't lost a great deal of power - people sometimes argue that you
should not use parametric methods on a 5 point scale, but it hasn't really
hurt us a lot - but it did hurt us.)

How many people is that equivalent to losing? We can use the power analysis
to find out.

> power.t.test(power=0.74, delta=0.3, sd=1, type="one.sample")

     One-sample t test power calculation

              n = 77.24355
          delta = 0.3
             sd = 1
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.74
    alternative = two.sided

So by categorizing, we get the same power that we would have got if we
hadn't categorized and had 77 people. By categorizing we have the
equivalent of losing 23% of our sample.

It's useful to think in terms of sample size equivalence. For example, it's
most powerful to assign people equally to groups in experiments, but if one
condition is more expensive or difficult than the other, you can get more
power for you money (as it were) by randomizng unequally.  You need to
think about sample size equivalents when you do that.

Here's a paper on that,

If you do group randomized studies (for example, kids in schools) you also
need to think about power in terms of sample size equivalence.  For
example, if you have kids in schools and you don't randomize by groups,
you'll lose some power because of contamination - some kids will get the
wrong treatment. If you do, you lose power because of the design effect
(and this email is already long and boring enough, so I won't go into it).
 Here's an extremely long and tedious report on that:

If you're interested in this sort of thing, here are some papers worth
reading which are written by people much cleverer than me:

Bollen, K. A., & Barb, K. H. (1985). Pearson's R and coarsely categorized
measures. American Sociological Review, 46, 232-239.

Cohen, J. (1983). The cost of dichotomization. Applied Psychological
Measurement, 7, 249-253.

DeCoster, J., Iselin, A.-M. R., & Gallucci, M. (2009). A conceptual and
empirical examination of justifications for dichotomization. Psychological
Methods, 14(4), 349-366.

MacCallum, R. C., Zhang, S., Preacher, K. J., & Rucker, D. D. (2002). On
the practice of dichotomization of quantitative variables. Psychological
Methods, 7, 19-40.

McClelland, G. H. (1997). Optimal Design in Psychological Research.
Psychological Methods, 2(1), 3-19.

Muthén, B. O. (2006). Should substance use disorders be considered as
categorical or dimensional? Addiction,, 101, 6-16.

Muthén, B. (2001). Second-generation structural equation modeling with a
combination of continuous and categorical latent variables: new
opportunities for latent class-latent growth modeling. In L. M. Collins &
A. G. Sayer (Eds.), New methods for the analysis of change. Washington DC:

Senn, S. J. (2003). Dichotomania. British Medical Journal - Web page rapid
response, 327(

Streiner, D. L. (2002). Breaking up is hard to do: the heartbreak of
dichotomizing continuous data. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 47, 262-566.

They are mostly talking about dichotomization, but it's all true (just less
so) for categorization.

And incidentally, simulations are great. I just ran 2000 experiments. If
you can sneak a simulation into your thesis, you've got a chapter without
having to collect any data, or, you know, talk to anyone.
