


We're going through the Microsoft instructions for installing a "test lab" to have a thorough look at the password self service stuff as well as othe FIM components so that we can spec up a proper install.

The test lab instructions: take us through the install of various other components, one of which is System Centre Service Manager.  (   This itself seems to be quite a heavyweight component requiring its own sql etc and will no doubt come "at a price".

What I'm wondering is how necessary this is?   The test lab guides are very poor at saying _why_ the various components are required and whether you can do without them.

So,  can you install FIM and use the password self service WITHOUT installing System centre service manager and what do you miss out on?  If its just reporting then we can put up without that!

Andy Swiffin

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096