Call for contributors:

Symposium: "A comparative history of evolutionary theories in the mid 20th century"

in the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)'s 2013 meeting in Montpellier (France), July 7-12.

Website and symposium proposal (session 6):

Abstracts (250 words maximum) for this session are welcome.
Deadline: February 27, 2013

Please send the proposals by mail to:

Clara Florensa
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Miquel Carandell
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Centre for History of Science (CEHIC-UAB)

While the genesis and early development of evolutionary theories in 19th century Europe has received a great deal of scholarly attention, the literature decreases as we enter the 20th century. Far fewer contributions have been made in this period and even less when we enter the second half of the century. Histories of the theory of evolution in the 20th century focus then on the emerging of the Modern Synthesis of Evolution, and disregard the other theories discussed and used at the time.

Through the study of the circulation of evolutionary theories in Spain during Francoism we are mapping a political, social and religious use of the theory of evolution. Spanish palaeontologists presented a particular version of evolutionary theories that fitted well with the Catholic political context.

We aim to build a session on studies of the theory of evolution in different European countries during the period that corresponds to the Franco Regime (1939-1975), in order to be able to establish resemblances, differences and influences, and start a collaboration to build a comparative history in evolutionary theory of that time, which is lacking at the moment.