

Dynamis 2013; 33(1)





Guest editors: Jorge Molero-Mesa and Isabel Jiménez-Lucena


(De)legitimizing social, professional and cognitive hierarchies. Scientific knowledge and practice in inclusion-exclusion processes 

Jorge Molero-Mesa and Isabel Jiménez-Lucena


«Arm and Brain»: Inclusion-exclusion dynamics related to medical professionals within Spanish anarcho-syndicalism in the first third of the 20th century

Jorge Molero-Mesa and Isabel Jiménez-Lucena


1.-Inclusion and exclusion of technicians and intellectuals in anarcho-syndicalism. 2.-The Single Health Unions and the National Confederation of Labour. 3.-Inclusion-exclusion of physicians in anarcho-syndicalism. Strategies, resistances and limitations. 4.-Epilogue.


ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper was to analyze the dynamics within Spanish anarcho-syndicalism between manual workers and medical professionals who shared the anarchist ideology. The incorporation of technicians into the labour movement was a common feature in the Western world; however, while socialist organizations left health policies in the hands of physicians, anarchist unions did not accept these technocratic principles, given that they did not consider intellectuals as the best suited to take decisions concerning the whole community. In this context, we can see how medical professionals developed diverse strategies to be accepted by anarcho-syndicalist militants, who in turn showed different levels of acceptance according to the distinct lines of thought within the union.


Libertarian movement and self-management of knowledge in the Spain of the first third of the 20th century: «Questions and answers» section (1930-1937) of the journal Estudios

Carlos Tabernero Holgado, Isabel Jiménez-Lucena and Jorge Molero-Mesa 


1.-Q&A sections in the press. 2.-The libertarian management of non-experts' participation in the construction and management of knowledge. 3.-Non-experts' participation in the construction of scientific-medical knowledge.


ABSTRACT: Newspaper Q&A sections reflect and contribute to the social historical context in which they are published, and they may play roles as distinct as becoming a tool to sustain social arrangements or, conversely, being an instrument for social change. In a context of complex relations between experts and non-experts within the libertarian movement in Spain in the first third of the 20th century, the Q&A section («Preguntas y respuestas», 1930-1937) of the anarchist magazine Estudios (1928-1937) constitutes a particularly illustrative example of the multidimensional management of knowledge through the effective redefinition of the participation of quite different groups. In this paper, we analyze the exchange between physician Roberto Remartínez (1895-1977), the section coordinator, and its readers, and identify features of the implementation of the libertarian principles of self-management through communication practices in which experts and non-experts jointly take part.


Science and social exclusion: the displacement of albéitares from veterinary medicine as seen through the specialized press on animal care (1853-1855)

José Manuel Gutiérrez García


1.-Introduction. 2.-Albéitares and veterinarians in the 1850s. 3.-Boletín de Veterinaria, El Eco de la Veterinaria and El Albéitar, three journals in the service of distinct interests. 4.-What are veterinary medicine and albeitería? How are they related? 5.-Albéitar vs. veterinarian: public perception of each of them. 6.-Actions of public authorities concerning both degrees. 7.-A law rescued from «oblivion» turns veterinary medicine hegemonic. 8.-Conclusions.



ABSTRACT: The monopolist intentions of the Spanish veterinarians in the mid-19th century confronted a major obstacle in the existence of albéitares. Veterinarians based their claim to be responsible for animal care on their possession of a broad theoretical knowledge and abstract intellectual capacities, which would supposedly lead to an improvement in veterinarian practice. The scientific rhetoric matched the intellectual climate of the time, but there were no corresponding changes in the habits of clients or in the position of public authorities, forcing veterinarians to seek other routes of social legitimization. This paper analyzes the inclusion-exclusion dynamics around the process of monopolization of veterinarian knowledge and practice in the mid-19th century in Spain. The strategies adopted by the two occupational groups in veterinarian publications offer an original perspective on the confrontation between two entities legally recognized to exert the same function. Based on this dichotomy, a struggle arose to define the model of the relationship between those who intended to play a guiding role in animal medicine and those who, due to their greater integration in the society of the time, defended the preservation of their conventional lifestyle. The first effective changes in the organization of care activity were not supported by social acceptance or by client preferences but were rather determined by strictly regulatory postulates. 



A heterodox perspective on the history of drugs. Inclusion-exclusion dynamics of the Ravetllat-Pla anti-tuberculosis serum in the first third of the 20th century

Sara Lugo- Márquez

1.-Introduction. 2.-Exclusion of the Ravetllat-Pla Institute from the official Catalan and Spanish scientific contexts. 3.-A new space for inclusion to legitimize a heterodox scientific theory. 4.-Reconfiguration of medicines from the tuberculosis «social stigma» in Brazil. 5.-Conclusions.


ABSTRACT: In 1924, an historically peak time for tuberculosis in Spain, the Ravetllat-Pla Institute was established with the aim of producing and commercializing an anti-tuberculosis serum and researching the variability of the bacteria implicated in this infection. This bacterial form, proposed by Joaquim Ravetllat in the first decade of the 20th century, led to the formulation of a new etiological-pathologic theory of tuberculosis, which upheld the drugs produced by the Institute and was considered heterodox by the official science of the time. The Catalan medical and political network established a space of exclusion leading to the marginalization of the Institute, which, by strengthening its heterodox identity, generated another space of inclusion. In this space, its refuted scientific theory could be socially legitimated and validated through the commercial success of its pharmaceutical products. In this paper, we suggest that the consideration of medicines as commercial products illustrates the active participation of the different users of the Ravetllat-Pla serum in its social construction, re-conceptualization and legitimization. Moreover, from the theoretical framework of inclusion-exclusion dynamics, this research contributes to understanding the processes of knowledge legitimatization by scientific heterodoxy.





History, Science and Nation. A case study in 19th century Mexico

Frida Gorbach

1.-Porfirio Parra, the case. 2.-Science. 3.- History. 4.-The nation.


ABSTRACT: In an attempt to reflect on the political dimension of knowledge, I approach the Mexican medical discourse of the late 19th century and raise questions about the relationship that was built between the latter and history, science and nation. These three intricately woven concepts outline, in many ways, the relationship formed by modernity between nature, politics and history. For this purpose, I take the case of Porfirio Parra, one of the few Mexican physicians who reflected on the methods, principles and rules of scientific knowledge, and I attempt to show, based on his vast work, the way in which his understanding of science conceives of nation and history as inevitable actors. 


Illustrations of the female body in the Tratado de ginecología by Miquel A. Fargas Roca (1910)

Sara Fajula Colom


1.-Introduction. 2.-The Tratado de ginecología by Fargas in its context. 3.-Analysis of the illustrations. 3.1.-The role of illustrations in gynaecological treatises. 3.2.-The illustrations of the treatise by Fargas (1910). 3.3.-The production of knowledge through illustrations. 3.4.-The construction of the female body. 4.-Conclusions.


ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the epistemological role of visual representations in the Tratado de ginecología by Miquel A. Fargas Roca (1858-1916). The illustrations are interpreted not only as a didactic or ornamental complement of the text but also as an element of the process of scientific knowledge construction. After placing the author and his work in their social and scientific context, the paper provides a combined analysis of the text and illustrations of the manual, seeking the image of the woman and the meaning of her body for bourgeois society in the late 19th and early 20th century. It is concluded that the visual representations reveal the ideological position of the author and the social role that he assigned to the women of his time.


Halley's Comet and the public image of astronomy in the Spanish daily press of the early 20th century 

Pedro Ruiz-Castell, Ignacio Suay-Matallana, and Juan Marcos Bonet Safont


1.-Introduction. 2.-Comets and their controversy. 3.- The press in the face of fears. 4.- The comet and press accident/crime reports. 5.- News from Madrid. 6.- Comas i Solà and La Vanguardia. 7.-Final considerations: policies and demands. 

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper was to show some aspects of the representations formed in Spanish public opinion on astronomy and astrophysics, based on an analysis of the news published under some of the most prominent headlines on the appearance of Halley's Comet in 1910. The interest aroused by the arrival of this comet was closely bound to its association with different disasters and calamities, represented in this case by the load of lethal gas it carried and that generated widespread unease among a large part of the population. This concern served to reinforce and legitimize in the eyes of public opinion the activity developed by scientists and especially astronomers, who became experts devoted to calming the population with spectroscopic data, calculations of celestial mechanics, and explanations of the nature of comet masses, thereby increasing the prestige and social status of astronomy. 

On the threshold of the unknown: A case of an extraordinary vision in the Spain of Primo de Rivera

Annette Mülberger Mònica Balltondre 

1.-Introduction. 2.-The case in the press. 3.-Explanations of the case. 4.- Conclusion.


ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the reactions of scientists and intellectuals to a sensational case: the son of the Marquis of Santa Cara appeared able to see through opaque materials, a phenomenon that attracted the attention of Spanish society around 1924. Its authenticity was certified by several well-known scientists and intellectuals, including Cabrera, Torres Quevedo, Gimeno and Valle-Inclán. The article seeks to understand the reasons for this occurrence, taking into account different theories formulated at the time about new types of rays and unknown psychic abilities. In the context of the Primo de Rivera regime, two engineers proposed metapsychic explanations with a patriotic touch, while the Marquis himself used his status to endorse the case and to promote his scientific work in the field of metapsychics. However, the prodigious aristocrat and his supporters received a serious setback from his encounter with the famous magician Houdini as well as from the criticism mounted by the psychiatrist Rodríguez Lafora, who interpreted the phenomenon as a product of suggestion.





Victor Navarro Brotons, ed. Vicenç Mut Armengol (1614-1687) i l'astronomia

Antoni Roca i Rossell


Elaine Leong, Alisha Rankin, eds. Secrets and Knowledge in Medicine and Science, 1500-1800

María Luz López Terrada


Enrique Perdiguero-Gil, Josep Miquel Vidal Hernández, eds., La ciudadela de los fantasmas. Lazaretos y protección sanitaria en el mundo mediterráneo

Armando Alberola Romà


José Antonio Díaz Rojo, ed.,  La circulación del saber científico en los siglos XIX y XX.

Rafael Huertas García-Alejo


Francisco Javier Martínez Antonio,  Irene González González, eds.  Regenerar España y Marruecos. Ciencia y educación en las relaciones hispano-marroquíes a finales del siglo XIX

Francisco Franco-Sánchez


Joep Bernabeu-Mestre, Josep Lluís Barona, eds. Nutrición, Salud y Sociedad. España y Europa en los siglos XIX y XX

Josep Llúis Barona.  The Problem of Nutrition. Experimental Science, Public Health and Economy in Europe 1914-1945

Francisco Muñoz Pradas


Diego Armus. The ailing city. Health, tuberculosis and culture in Buenos Aires, 1870-1950

Jorge Molero Mesa


Jean-Louis Guereña, ed. La sexualidad en la España contemporánea (1800-1950)

Geoffroy Huard


Aitor Anduaga Egaña. Geofísica, Economía y Sociedad en la España Contemporánea

Néstor Herrán


Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal, José María López Sánchez, La lucha por la modernidad. Las ciencias naturales y la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios

Josep Lluís Barona


Arón Cohen, ed. El trabajo y sus riesgos en la época contemporánea. Conocimiento, codificación, intervención y gestión

Javier Silvestre


Christopher Sellers, Joseph Melling, eds. Dangerous Trade: Histories of Industrial Hazard across a Globalising World

Arthur McIvor