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Thanks, Jessica, for circulating the link to Joe Moran's very positive 
review (Guardian 25 Feb) of the new OBSERVING THE EIGHTIES online resource.

He makes some perceptive points and is links it nicely to Tracey Thorn's 
biography. In one of those coincidences that the original Mass Observers 
loved, Tracey Thorn's group, 'Everything but the Girl', used a photograph 
from Humphrey Spender's Worktown collection on the cover of their CD: "Love 
not money" issued in 1985!

The mix of MO writers' accounts of life in the 1980s with the ephemera from 
the period and the oral history accounts from the British Library National 
Life Story Collection seems to have worked really well so well done 
especially to Lucy Robinson who was the academic lead and Jill Kirby who 
managed the whole project. And also to the team in the Library and Special 
Collections. It was great fun to be part of the project and help with 
selecting the '80s people. I wonder if any of those people have had a look 
at  the website so far? What do you/they think?
Dorothy Sheridan

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