

Now that the SCL has at least put a hand above the parapet in outlining its "universal" offer, can they (and The Reading Agency and ACE) now be persuaded to try to get on the same page with library campaigners, the Society of Authors, Voices for the Library, CILIP etc and try to put together a powerful advocacy campaign to highlight the value and importance of public libraries and their professional staff. While the SCL has seemed very unsure of its role in the past and apparently feels that it should not criticise even poorly performing authorities, there is no reason why it cannot help get the message across to government and local politicians. It also does not mean that it should not participate in a proper debate about what can be done to deliver a viable service in times of austerity. The call has long been for leadership and senior and chief librarians should encourage the SCL executive to be brave and imaginative and to work with those who represent the profession and especially library users. That would give the SCL a proper purpose and also credibility with those they are supposed to serve.

Public Libraries News : 31st January
Special report: "Libraries of the 21st Century" versus "offering a new dress to a plague victim"

By linking in libraries to health and to benefits, senior librarians are throwing ropes out from the raft on to larger, more sturdy, vessels

Frances Hendrix
Martin House Farm, Hilltop Lane, Whittle le Woods, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7QR
Tel:  01257 274 833.   Mobile: 0777 55 888 03