


1) Yes
2) It's the rotations that matter most. If you have large rotations, it's reasonable not to average and treat each acquisition separately by using the corresponding bvecs.



On 19 Feb 2013, at 09:59, Patai, Zita wrote:

Dear FSLUsers
I have 3 acquisitions of DWI data per subject. I need to combine these and I was wondering:
1)      practical question: does the eddy current correction account for subject motion as well ?
2)      theoretical question: if the movement is large-ish, does it make sense to create a combined image when the gradient directions may not be equivalent in all three acquisitions given the displacement of the voxels?
Thanks for your help!
Eva Zita Patai
Postdoctoral Research Associate
UCL, Institute of Child Health
020 7905 2730