

Dear FSL members,

I was trying to run first_utils on a cohort of 34 patients. All went well until I used randomise, when an error popped up. If I use the --useReconMNI in fsl_utils, there is no problem and I get all the results needed. If I use the --useReconNative --useRigidAlign flags, there is no information in the created -o .nii.gz file and subsequently randomise crashes not surprisingly as the files have the following dimensions. 
-- using MNI::        Size = 182 x 218 x 182 x 34 : Dims = 1.0000000000 x 1.0000000000 x 1.0000000000
-- using Native::    Size = 1 x 1 x 1 x 34 : Dims = 1.0000000000 x 1.0000000000 x 1.0000000000

What is the user-error that I'm looking for?