Sorry, can't say much more about that than what is at the bottom of the practical page

If you load a corrp image into fslview and set the lower bound to 0.95 and upper bound to 1 (min/max settings in fslview) anything that shows up is significant.    I'm not familiar with tbss_fill, etc.


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Sandra Petris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Jeanette,

thanks a lot. Seems to work. I have a question regarding -R option of fslstats. Does it report the range of significance in the following way?:

fslstats tbss_tfce_p_tstat2 -R

0.000000 0.998000 

If that is the case when I run:

tbss_fill tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat2 0.95 mean_FA tbss_fill
fslview mean_FA -b 0,0.6 mean_FA_skeleton -l Green -b 0.2,0.7 tbss_fill -l Red-Yellow

Should I see enlarged significant clusters? because i dont

thanks a lot for your help I do appreciate it


2013/2/10 Jeanette Mumford <[log in to unmask]>

I think that looks fine.  With fsl 5 you don't need to mean center behav in a single subject model with the -D option.  Don't use it with this model.


On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Sandra Petris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
ps: with fsl 5 i dont need to demean the behav score right? I forgot it bu i can leave like that anyway?

2013/2/8 Sandra Petris <[log in to unmask]>
Dear fsl experts,

I want to compare 2 groups of 6 subjects each with respect to the correlation between FA values and behavioral scores.

Please check if the following design matrix and constarst file are correct

/NumWaves 2
/NumPoints 12
/PPheights 1 1
1 0.029
1 1.1071
1 1.4751
1 1.5159
1 1.7623
1 2.05
0 2.8715
0 3.031
0 3.1102
0 3.5682
0 3.7093
0 4.1891

/NumWaves 2
/NumContrasts 2
/PPheights 1 1
1 -1
-1 1

Should I demean the data adding the -D option in the randomose script?

Any advice would greately appreaciated

