

Dear fsl experts,

I want to compare 2 groups of 6 subjects each with respect to the correlation between FA values and behavioral scores.

Please check if the following design matrix and constarst file are correct

/NumWaves 2
/NumPoints 12
/PPheights 1 1
1 0.029
1 1.1071
1 1.4751
1 1.5159
1 1.7623
1 2.05
0 2.8715
0 3.031
0 3.1102
0 3.5682
0 3.7093
0 4.1891

/NumWaves 2
/NumContrasts 2
/PPheights 1 1
1 -1
-1 1

Should I demean the data adding the -D option in the randomose script?

Any advice would greately appreaciated

