

Hi - My opinion on this is that the TBSS approach is good for the bulk of white matter (which is what TBSS is all about), but sub-optimal near the cortex, where you may want to have your seed ROIs. Therefore, the FDT default favours using a T1-weighted structural to drive nonlinear registration to MNI space, ideally with a good distortion correction of the diffusion data.


On 6 Feb 2013, at 21:26, Marenco, Stefano (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:

> I was wondering why the FNIRT transform from diffusion to standard space that is considered optimal for TBSS is not used as a default in bedpostx. Has anyone compared the two for tractography results?
> Stefano Marenco, MD
> 10 Center Drive, Bldg 10 room 3C103
> Bethesda MD 20892
> Tel 301 435-8964
> Fax 301 480-7795
> Email: [log in to unmask]

Saad Jbabdi
University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre

JR Hospital, Headington, OX3 9DU, UK
(+44)1865-222466  (fax 717)