

Dear Sasha,

I am sorry to hear that you are having such trouble.
Are you correcting for bias fields in your images?
If they are 7T images then that might be a problem.

If that is not the case then I think I'd need to see an example in order to help - and so please upload an example to our upload site (see the Support webpage in the FSL website for details).

All the best,

On 5 Feb 2013, at 17:24, Alejandro Vicente Grabovetsky <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Dear FSLers,

I have been attempting to run sub-cortical segmentation using FIRST, using a (large) variety of methods on set of high-resolution, brain extracted 7T MP2RAGE images. Some examples:

first_flirt followed by run_first on each structure
flirt followed by run_first

The whole procedure appears to fail at the FLIRT stage, which misaligns the brains very badly (often inverting them, or shrinking them to the size of a walnut). This appears to be due to FLIRT being less robust when the reference image is lower resolution/contrast than the input image, but this does not seem to be the whole story.

Namely, the best results I achieved have been using the last method, where I back-normalise the (BETted) T1 template to the (BETted) individual brain, and then re-flirt using the sub-cortical weighting mask. This gives a significant, but not sufficient improvement: it fails in 20-30% of brains, rather than 40% when simply using run_first_all.

One suggested option of using robustfov from fsl_anat to crop the individual brains unfortunately does not help at all (if anything it makes things worse).

Suggestions to make this work robustly are very welcome!

Vicente Grabovetsky, Alejandro (Sasha)
Postdoctoral researcher
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging<>