Sorry Jeanette, my stupid further ask..... where is the cope estimate?

For example, in my first-level model, my f contrast is just using contrast 3. After higher-level analysis for group mean (1-sample t tests of many first-level contrasts), in the cope3.feat folder, there is a file called thresh_zstat.nii.gz (this should be the thresholded t map) as well as a stats folder containing a file called cope.nii.gz. Is this what you mean? I don't think so because this file also exists in other cope.feat that has no f contrast.

2013/2/4 Jeanette Mumford <[log in to unmask]>

The group t-stat map will be a test of that effect and corresponds to a 1-sided test.  The actual mean is not the t-stat, but the cope estimate.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Tseng Mark <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Jeanette,

Ah....this is actually a continuous question of my previous post "2x2x2 repeated measures ANOVA model."

Just like we discussed, presumably at the first level the order of the 8 EVs is:

The 3-way interaction in my first-level model would be:
ABC            =[1 -1 -1  1  -1 1 1  -1]

I just want to know the group mean of this 3-way interaction. 

By setting up a group mean 1s model in my higher level analysis, should I just check the t (zstat) map which is exactly the group mean of this 3-way interaction?

Thanks in advance.


2013/2/4 Jeanette Mumford <[log in to unmask]>

The tricky thing with an f-contrast is that there isn't a single mean as you are testing a group of contrasts simultaneously in a "are any of these significant?" test.  In FSL you cannot bring lower level f-contrasts to the higher level, but will work with single contrasts instead.  

Hope that helps,

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Mark <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Sorry this might be a simple question but I just don't know how.....

In my first-level feat model, I have a F contrast as well as many t contrast. I want to see the group mean of the F contrast. However, when I set up a group mean contrast using 1s in the higher-level model, I can only see the group average of t contrasts.

How can I see group mean of F contrast?

