

Dear Colleague

We at SERE 2013 (The 7th IEEE International Conference on

Software Security and Reliability), co-sponsored by the

IEEE Reliability Society and NIST (National Institute of

Standards and Technology), are pleased to announce the

following lineup of exciting panel and lectures:

* Plenary Panel

  "Who Trumps Who: Security or Reliability?"

  Jeff Voas (Director, IEEE Division VI & NIST)

* Half-Day Tutorial

  "Programming on Android: Best Practices for Security & Reliability"

  Angelos Stavrou (2013 Engineer of the Year,

  IEEE Reliability Society)

* Distinguished Lecture

  "Rethinking the Formal Specification, Validation, and Verification

  Process: Making it an End-to-End Process that is Scalable"

  Bret Michael (2010 Engineer of the Year,

  IEEE Reliability Society)

* Keynote Speakers

  - Constance Heitmeyer

    (Head, Software Engineering, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

  - Nihal Sinnadurai

    (CEO and Chief Technologist, ATTAC, UK)

  - Ravi Sandhu (Chair Professor, UT San Antonio)

  - Zili Wang (Dean & Professor, Beihang University, China)

In addition, we cordially invite you to submit your papers to the

following co-located workshops.

The deadline is March 1, 2013.

Authors of selected best papers from the conference will be invited

to submit an extended version to a special section of the

IEEE Transactions on Reliability.

* TC 2012: International Workshop on Trustworthy Computing


* SSCPS 2012: International Workshop on Safety and Security in

  Cyber-Physical Systems (

* IA 2012: International Workshop on Information Assurance


* Special session on Software Testing

  Contact: Professor Renee Bryce at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

* Student Doctoral Program and Fast Abstracts

Please visit for more details.

W. Eric Wong (UT Dallas), Steering Committee Chair

Jeff Voas (NIST), General Chair

Shiuhpyng Shieh (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) Program Chair

Fei-Ching Kuo (Swinburne University of Technology), Publicity Chair