Dear Colleague


MARCH 2013 FORUM EVENT - Wednesday 20th March 2013 in London at Goodenough College


Theme: PGR Marketing: attracting 'the best' students in a competitive and cash-strapped climate


We now only have limited places available for our March Forum, so if you have not already booked and would like to attend, we recommend booking in the near future.


The number of Research Council funded PhD and research Masters places is being cut, but Universities need PGR students more than ever.


How can individual academic units, and central departments in Universities, maximise their PGR marketing to attract 'the best' students in today's competitive world? If you have student funding, what is the most effective way of marketing what you have, and if you don't, what other marketing options are available and effective?  In this Forum session we'll be looking at both strategic and practical marketing issues for PGR.


As part of the session, we'll be hearing from a panel of students and the session also includes some case studies from colleagues from the sector.  We are pleased to confirm that we will be including case studies from the Universities of Warwick and Portsmouth on different aspects of PGR marketing and strategy.


If you would like to offer a brief case study please do contact me as we still have space for one more. Case studies are 5-10 mins only, plus participation in a Q&A panel.


This session is for all staff involved in attracting postgraduate research students, from marketing, student recruitment, academic, graduate school, doctoral training centre, department administrative or international roles.


As usual, we are offering a reduced rate if you or a colleague from your Department have attended before, or if you would like to offer a case study.


More information on the Forum, costs and an online booking form for this event can be found at:



We look forward to seeing you at the event.


Best wishes




Jane Penrose


PostgraduateStudentships, MastersCompare and MyPostgradApps


Tel: 07739 457182





Provisional Programme

9.15 Registration and Coffee

09.45 Introductions

10.00 PGR Marketing - attracting 'the best' students in a competitive and cash-strapped climate.

11.15 Key Issues and Questions: small group discussion and structured networking session

12.00 Plenary Discussion and group feedback

12.45 Lunch and informal/themed networking

13.30 Student Panel - intending and current PGR student views

14.30 Case Studies from the sector: short sessions from 2-3 colleagues from the University sector followed by a panel Q&A.

15.30 Group Discussion: what matters, What Works? - information sharing, questions and networking

15.50 What Works? Highlights, Round-up and What Next?

16.00 Close


More information on the Forum, costs and an online booking form for this event can be found at:
