

Oops, obviously it is The Global Mail not The Conversation...

On 23/02/2013 11:13 AM, Morgan Leigh wrote:
> Here's an interesting story from The Conversation about killings of
> alleged witches and sorcerers in Papua New Guinea. The story naively
> assumes that sorcery doesn't exist and that people are just to dumb to
> know that people die from disease. Thus the prescribed cure is to
> educate people in western understandings of things and the problem will
> surely go away. I do not discount the possibility of blaming others as a
> coping mechanism for the death of loved ones, but it is sad to see
> western cultural imperialism being imposed on another people because the
> westerners can't conceive of the possibility of sorcery actually existing.
> Morgan Leigh
> PhD Candidate
> School of Sociology & Social Work
> University of Tasmania