I am very pleased to announce that Internet Archaeology's back catalogue (up to and including issue 21) is now Open Access. That's more than half of all our published content now freely available.

As of this week, a low-cost subscription will be required only for content in issues 22 onwards, except where Open Access has already been enabled in these later issues.

It is IA policy to enable Open Access on all content when article development costs are met with the longer term aim of making the whole of IA open. As a result of this move, the cost of access to articles for individuals has been reduced to £7.50 for individuals (permanent access). 

Having demonstrated a serious effort to move in this direction, the journal will look to its future authors for the funds to cover article development costs (via grant-giving/funding bodies or other research sponsors).  But if you have no access to funding, then this is not an obstacle to a publication in IA. Your article would be subject to subscription during this transition but of course this is subject to change with a stepped increase in OA uptake and/or other external developments. 

Please feel free to email me if you have any queries.

With best wishes

Judith Winters
Editor, Internet Archaeology

Department of Archaeology, University of York YO1 7EP

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