


I've noticed there are a few topics on this forum discussing BPM and I was wondering if I could get a little assistance. I am running the BPM code using Matlab 2010b and SPM5 as advised.

My first question relates to which BPM code to use. I have been using the ANSIR toolbox (Casanova 2007) however I recently I found out about an updated "robust" version of BPM (Yang 2011). As I cannot get the robust BPM to perform the transformation from BPM.mat to SPM.mat and as the method adds an additional layer of complexity, I was wondering if the robust BPM technique is recommended or whether the original BPM is still acceptable?

My second question is related to the original BPM code only. I tried to run a simple 1 group ANOVA to check it produces an identical output as a 1 group ANOVA performed solely through SPM. An issue occurs in the BPM methods as it keeps crashing when I try to output the results within SPM. The same issue occurs when performing a 1 group ANCOVA. Is the BPM code able to perform 1 group ANOVAs and ANCOVAs?



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