

Dear Jie,
my experience with the VBM by SPM using the WM is very good. I recommend
you use the New Segmentation tool, which does a good job when segmenting
the different tissue types, and then DARTEL for registration. For creating
the template, I suggest you use two channels, one for the GM DARTEL
imported files (rc1*.nii), and other for the WM DARTEL imported files
(rc2*.nii). Detailed information about how performing the VBM can be found
in the tutorial by prof. John Ashburner (

Best Regards,

On 29 January 2013 18:28, Jie Yu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi
> I just posted a message in fsl asking about white matter VBM.
> It seems like it is "never" recommended in fsl.
> So I guess it is also not recommended in SPM as well?
> Thanks a lot.